Are you sporting hair on your face?


Unless you’re planning to grow a flowing moustache, there’s no reason to suffer through the indignity of hair on your face. Here’s how you get rid of it.

Your pretty face turns heads wherever you go, but lately, you’ve begun to suspect that people are staring not just at your features. They could be looking at the excessive hair growth on your face. You schedule regular salon appointments to thread the hair away from the sides of your face and your upper lip. But it keeps regrowing, more visible than ever before.

Why facial hair removal is tricky


The delicate facial skin is thin and prone to wrinkles and lines much before the rest of the skin on the body. Since the skin on the face is so fragile, you must be quite sure not to use harsh products and treatments on it. This applies even to hair removal. Most women opt for threading for facial hair removal from the upper lips, brow line and side burns.

However, this form of hair removal is quite traumatic for the delicate facial skin. Not only is the hair twined and then pulled out roughly, even the rubbing of the thread on the skin can irritate it and cause rashes. Shaving off the hair is never an option – the razor blades strip the skin of its essential moisture, and the hair grows back in a day in a thick, rough stubble.

Removing facial hair – the best method to use


A better method for facial hair removal is waxing using cold wax strips. If you have any trepidation about waxing your facial hair off, you can say goodbye to all your doubts.

  • Leading brands have created special facial hair removal cold wax strips. These strips are designed for removing hair from the face, without harming the skin in any way. They ensure that the hair regrowth is much slower as well.
  • The strips are thin and designed to fit the contours of your face upon application. Each strip comes with an easy grip tab, so you can grab it securely before pulling off.
  • The wax on the strip adheres to the hair and holds it tightly. When you pull off the strip, the hair comes away from the roots, stuck to the strip. Pull away in one quick motion. One strip can be used about three times before discarding.
  • The best brands have devised cold wax strips fortified with skin-friendly ingredients that nourish and moisturise the skin as they work.
  • As a result, you get clean, smooth skin that is hydrated and radiant. The hair regrows after 28 days, so this is a long-term facial hair removal
  • After waxing, use the wipe provided with the pack to remove any excess wax still stuck to the skin.

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