Are you sporting hair on your face?

Unless you’re planning to grow a flowing moustache, there’s no reason to suffer through the indignity of hair on your face. Here’s how you get rid of it. Your pretty face turns heads wherever you go, but lately, you’ve begun to suspect that people are staring not just at your features. They could be looking … More Are you sporting hair on your face?

How To Drink Water To Clear Acne and Lose Weight

Water is life! It forms 70% of our body and participates in almost all our body functions. You might be having the slightest idea about the importance of this colourless, odourless liquid in our life. Water Helps in blood circulation. Aids in digestion and absorbs and transports the nutrients across our body. Helps eliminate and … More How To Drink Water To Clear Acne and Lose Weight

Face map the acne

Your facial acne tells its own story about health problems that you have not yet discovered. Here’s how you recognise the problem from the symptoms. Developing acne on the face is a distressing phenomenon. It robs your face of its natural beauty, and worse, it tells the world that you may not be taking good … More Face map the acne