How To Drink Water To Clear Acne and Lose Weight


Water is life! It forms 70% of our body and participates in almost all our body functions. You might be having the slightest idea about the importance of this colourless, odourless liquid in our life. Water

  • Helps in blood circulation.
  • Aids in digestion and absorbs and transports the nutrients across our body.
  • Helps eliminate and excrete waste.
  • Prevents constipation.
  • Maintains body temperature.
  • Acts as a lubricant for your joints.
  • Helps prevent kidney stone.
  • Prevents dehydration, enhances brain function and maximizes physical performance.

Apart from these essential body functions, do you know that water also contributes to your beauty by offering you beautiful skin and maintained weight? Yes! Water plays a crucial role in these aspects too.

How water can help you shed those extra pounds

Water enhances your metabolic rate. According to the studies, half a litre of water intake can raise metabolism by 24-30% for 1.5 hours. Drinking water half an hour before meals can be the best to reduce weight as it will make you consume fewer calories as you will feel full with zero-calorie water. It is recommended to drink cold water that will facilitate your body to use additional energy to heat the water to the body temperature. Also, preferring water over caloric beverages will automatically cut down your calorie intake. Further, high water content foods look larger with its higher volume requiring more chewing. Also, it is absorbed more slowly giving you a feeling of fullness. Thus, the water-rich foods such as vegetables, fruits, beans, oatmeal and broth-based soups can help you stay fit and maintain a healthy weight.

Water can help you get rid of acne

Wastes and toxins are expelled from our bodies through kidneys and bowel. In the absence of sufficient water intake, these toxins and waste build up overloading these organs. In such case, our body finds an alternate route to give out these waste products through our skin, causing an acne breakout. Water acts as an effective acne treatment and can help you get rid of it. Eight to ten glasses of water not only relieve you from acne problem but also will offer you smooth, glowing, moist and wrinkle-free skin.

It is safest and best!

Water is the key ingredient required by our body which is also a completely natural component. Thus, there is no harm of any allergic reaction by its intake. It is calorie free and can be used by anyone irrespective of any medical condition such as high blood pressure or diabetes. Moreover, there are no harmful effects such as overdose as once your body is adequately hydrated, kidneys take care of excess fluid by excreting it from your body.

Water is precious for your health as well as your beauty. Women should drink 2.7 litres of water every day whereas men require 3.7 litres daily. Do not wait till you feel thirsty as it means that your body is signaling that it is already dehydrated. Thus, always keep water handy and reap the benefits of healthy body and healthy weight with natural acne treatment!

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