3 Reasons Why Hair Check-Up Is Essential


Good hair health stems from catching a potential problem early and treating it the right way. We present three reasons to undergo a regular hair check-up.

It is often said that good health is created not in the gym, but in the kitchen. The food that you eat daily has a tremendous impact on the state of your skin and hair. However, most of us don’t pay much attention to our hair until it becomes dry, stressed and prone to breakage. It is important to remember that hair loss is not an overnight phenomenon – you may fail to see the signs early on.

You should entrust the health of your hair to a reputed dermatologist, and undergo regular hair check-ups for these reasons:

1 To rule out underlying medical conditions.

A bi-annual or quarterly hair check-up can tell your dermatologist if all is well with your hair – or not. For instance, if you have noticed significant hair thinning, hair loss or hair breakage, a hair check-up can reveal if the problem is a minor or a major one. An expert dermatologist will be able to diagnose the severity of the issue and prescribe the correct hair loss treatment accordingly. However, if you notice hair coming out in clumps or if the falling hair is not replaced with new strands, it is time to junk superficial hair loss treatments and examine the underlying issue, which could range from hormonal imbalances to PCOS or PCOD.

2 To take preventive action.

A regular hair check-up also helps your dermatologist nip the problem in the bud before it becomes a chronic issue. As per the nature of the problem, the hair loss treatment can include modifying your lifestyle, prescribing a course of medication, changing your diet, applying topical creams or gels on the scalp, or any other treatment suited to the problem. Severe cases can be treated with hair grafting. It can take a long while to treat a problem that is caught much later after it has begun. But if you are in the habit of undergoing regular hair check-ups, your doctor can see a problem that has just begun and treat it immediately before it causes a lot of hair damage.

3 To have healthy hair and scalp.

Every person likes to have a glossy mane of thick hair, but having beautiful hair is more a question of maintaining scalp health than relying on one’s genes to do the job. You can have the right guidance on good hair habits and care, if you are in touch with an expert dermatologist who can study the health of your scalp and prescribe the right course to follow. Apart from the doctor’s advice, you can follow a healthy, balanced diet and keep your hair clean by washing it at least twice a week. Regular conditioning and drinking lots of water can also help.

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