How to cure corns easily at home

Participating in a lot of active work all day naturally gets corns on your feet as well as hands. These can be really painful and make you glum. No wonder, they have been responsible behind taking away the natural and elegant beauty from your hands and feet. Luckily, we have some in-home remedies that can easily help you to get rid of these miserable corns.

  1. Castor oil

This is one of the easiest measures, which has favourably been in use since centuries. All you are required to do is, put some castor oil directly on the corns. Because, castor oil has the ability to soften the skill cells, this rapidly takes away the corns and make the skin look ravishing. You can apply castor oil on the corn affected area for three times a day, and see the results quickly. However, make sure, you don’t put the oil on the bust part of the skin.

  1. Pumice Stone

Before taking bath every morning, take some warm water and soak in your hands and feet, for duration of 5-7 minutes. Now rub this pumice stone over the affected area for 2 minutes. You can try doing this daily, to see faster results.

  1. Apple cider vinegar

Take some water and apply it on your hands or feet. After a few minutes, apply apple cider vinegar on the corns, with the help of a cotton ball. Hold the cotton ball firmly against the corn for some time and then take away the cotton ball. Now, put some tea tree oil on it, and do not wash it. When you do this on daily basis, you will certainly notice the corn coming out easily in just 3-4 days.

  1. Epsom salt

After shower, take a bowl, put in some water and add a cup of Epsom salt in it. Now, soak in your feet and let it rest there for 15 minutes. Gradually when you notice the skin is softening, take your feet off and rub the pumice stone on the dead skin layers. This is really effective since Epsom salt releases the pain and eliminates the corn effortlessly.

  1. Baking soda and lime juice

Take one tablespoon of baking soda and water each, to mix, and use lime juice in it to make a paste. Apply this paste on the corns and let it be there overnight. Don’t forget to stick it with a cotton ball. Repeat this continuously for a week, and you will notice the glowing and smooth skin.

  1. Garlic

Garlic possesses strong capabilities in effectively treating the corns. Take one garlic clove and cut in half. With one half rub the corn for 1 minute and put the other half over the corn, covering it with a crepe bandage. Leave it for the night and wash it off normally, the following morning. This is one of the best home remedies that you can use to treat so many other disorders.


There can be so many reasons that cause corns to you. However, taking the right measure as soon as you recognise them, can impact-fully take them away, giving you flawless feet and hands.

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