How to take care of paining heels


If you are having pain in heels, you are not alone. One out of ten people experience heel at least once or more in their life. Aching heels are common among in the age-group of 40-60 years. Regular joggers and runners are more susceptible to it.

Reasons of heel pain

Human foot is designed to absorb impact on the foot. According to experts, the stress that we put on our foot is 1.25 times while walking which increases to 2.75 times while running. Thus, it is not surprising to know that over the period, our heel becomes vulnerable to this wear and tear and starts paining. Additionally, arthritis, infection, autoimmune problem, trauma, neurological issue or some other body condition can also be reasons to aching heels.

The main culprit behind a heel pain is damage and thickening of the tissue named plantar fascia. Other reasons are heel bursitis (back heel inflammation), heel bumps, Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome, chronic Inflammation, stress fracture, severs disease and Achilles tendinitis.

Home Remedies

  • Taking rest – Rest your heels as much as possible. Avoid standing or walking for a long duration.
  • Ice – You can put ice pack for 20 minutes multiple times a day. Use a thin towel between the ice and your heel. Avoid direct contact of ice with your skin.
  • Footwear – Wear proper fitting shoes as they provide proper support and cushion to your foot. You can use insoles as they are of great help to sooth the heel pain.


  • Pain relievers –Doctors prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to treat the pain.
  • Corticosteroids – A corticosteroid solution is applied over the area and an electric current is used for the absorption.
  • Physiotherapy – A physiotherapist may recommend stretching exercises for calf muscle and foot which help giving relief from the pain.
  • Supportive devices – Orthotics can be used for a few weeks to keep your foot immobile. This will help it rest and heal.
  • Night splint – It can be used during sleeping. It provides the necessary extended stretch to plantar fascia and reduces the morning pain.
  • Insoles – In case of heel bursitis, doctors recommend insoles to cushion and limit the movement of the heel cup.
  • Surgery – In case of failure of any of the traditional therapies to provide a relief from the heel pain, doctors suggest a surgery. In this option, plantar fascia is detached from the bone of the heel.


Like the old saying ‘Prevention is better than cure’, it is better to take the preventive measures to avoid the heel pain.

  • Lose weight – Our extra weight puts additional burden on our feet and can be a major reason of the heel pain. Maintain a healthy weight by healthy diet and regular exercise.
  • Wear footwear with low heels Avoid shoes with high heels.
  • Wear shoes while walking on hard surfaces.
  • Warm up before strenuous activities.

Heel pain is easily preventable. However, if you are suffering from paining heels, taking appropriate measures is necessary to have a better tomorrow.

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