How to prevent verruca?


What is verruca?

Verruca or ‘plantar wart’ is skin growth on the bottom of the feet or soles. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) causes this wart. When one stands or walks, the wart is forced into the skin which might make it painful. Generally, they are harmless and might get cured on their own. Many times, they are highly painful to ignore. Plantar warts sometimes grow in cluster and are called as ‘mosaic warts’.

Causes of plantar wart?

HPV attacks the skin through tiny skin cuts or scratches to cause this infection. Verruca is highly contagious. The incubation period varies from few weeks to few months and thus symptoms are not apparent for a considerable period. People with weakened immune system or those with damaged skin on their feet are more susceptible to this infection. Children are more prone than adults as they have lower immunity.

This infection is spread by direct contact of skin with the contaminated surface. HPV thrives in moist and damp surroundings. Thus, public swimming pools and changing areas in gym are the places where people mostly catch this infection.

Identification of plantar warts

Plantar warts have a small cauliflower-like appearance on the soles with small black dots. They are painful when pinched. They can grow up to half an inch in diameter and can grow into a group of small warts. In case of a doubt, you can consult your physician to confirm whether it is plantar wart.

How to prevent the infection?

Since it is a viral infection, it can be prevented by avoiding the skin exposure to the virus.

  • This can be achieved by using rubber swimming shoes or flip-flops in the changing rooms of public swimming pool or communal shower areas. Additionally, disinfect your feet completely by washing them with soap after visit to such places.
  • Never share towels with anyone.
  • Never share socks and shoes with anyone.
  • Avoid scratching or pinching warts as it will only help spreading the infection to other body parts. Do not touch other’s warts.
  • Maintain personal hygiene by washing and keeping your feet dry and changing the socks daily. If your feet are sweaty, rub them with surgical spirit after drying. If they are dry, apply cream or lotion to moisturize them.
  • If you are having, Athlete’s foot, get the appropriate treatment from the specialist.
  • In case you are having plantar wart, cover it with adhesive bandage while getting into a pool. Additionally, you can use verruca

This is a viral infection and can be easily prevented with small precautions that go a long way. Sometimes, this seemingly harmless condition might become painful. In such scenario, you might have to take expert advice from your doctor and get it treated.

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