7 foot care tips you should always follow



When your feet are the sole weight bearer of your whole body weight, it becomes an indispensable thing that you take proper care of it. But usually, the feet are the most neglected part in spite of it bearing all the rigors of day-to-day activities.

So how do you ensure that you keep your feet safe and clean? Here let us have a look at seven foot care tips that you should always follow:

  1. Regularly wash your feet: You need to follow some basic hygiene when it is the matter of your feet and washing is one such activity that has to be done religiously on a daily basis. Wash your feet thoroughly using a mild soap and dry them by patting with a soft towel. Take care to see that the between part of your toes are also cleaned properly.
  2. Massage your feet: Gently massage a good foot cream on your feet so that it feels relaxed. Apply one or two drops of essential oils so that your feet absorb all the nutrients in the oil. Apply moisturizer every night before you retire to bed so that the feet get ample time to soak in and feel hydrated in the morning.
  3. Soak your feet in warm water and salts: Sea salt is to be added to a tub of warm water, and your feet are to be soaked in it. This is an excellent treatment for swollen or tired legs. Add some oils to the water to re-energize your feet.
  4. Toenails are to be trimmed: Care is to be taken to see that there is no dirt accumulation in between the toe nails. This will give rise to infections. The toenails are to be trimmed so that the overgrown nails don’t pierce back into the skin fold.
  5. Well-fitting shoes are to be worn: One of the major problems of wearing ill-fitting footwear is the corns and the calluses. Usually, some areas on the underside of your front foot or the front and side of your toes develop a hard thickened skin called a foot corn due to repeated friction either by continuous walking or ill-fitting shoes. Special medicated corn pads can remove these corns in consultation with a good podiatrist.
  6. Pedicure is a necessity: Pedicure is a complete package to keep your feet in good shape. All the dead cells get removed when you scrub your feet. Apply a good foot pack at the end to keep the skin soft and moisturized.
  7. Do strengthening exercises: One good practice is to keep some small pebbles in the water tub when you soak your feet in the water and roll your feet on it. This acts as an acupressure exercise. Do exercises which improve the blood circulation in your feet. Avoid standing and sitting postures which may stress your legs.

People with diabetes need to be extra cautious when it is the matter of feet. Any wound needs to be reported to the doctor first.

Pamper your feet regularly and give them the due care they deserve.

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