Should you make Oriental wax or get a ready box?

oriental wax

Oriental wax is easy to make, but you will find that getting a readymade wax kit is easier on many fronts.

Removing body hair is also a messy job, which is why most women go to the salon to get their bodies waxed. But not every woman has the luxury of time – many women are extremely busy and cannot schedule salon appointments for hair removal. They are often forced to remove the hair on their arms and legs at home, using a shaving razor or depilatory cream. Some women also use ready wax strips.

In recent years, many women have taken to using Oriental wax, whether at the salon or at home. It is wax created over a hot flame and then allowed to thicken before being applied on the skin. It hardens on the skin and creates a strip that can be pulled off easily. You don’t need separate cloth strips to pull off the Oriental wax. The same ‘strip’ may be rolled into a ball and pulled out again for re-use: thus, you can use the same piece of wax multiple times.

The advantages of using Oriental wax are:

  • It is an economical method of waxing. The same bit of wax can be used multiple times.
  • You can easily prepare the wax at home, using sugar, lemon and water on a low flame till the mixture becomes a thick paste.
  • It does not stick to the skin while it grips the hair tightly.
  • It can be used all over the body, including the sensitive areas such as the armpits and bikini line.
  • The hair grows back after four weeks – that’s a long time between waxes!

However, you will find that preparing Oriental wax at home creates a big mess in your kitchen. Also, it is dangerous to overheat the wax, because it causes deep burns on the skin.

Using ready Oriental wax kits

Fortunately, those wishing to use Oriental wax without having to prepare it themselves can easily buy a ready spa wax kit from the pharmacist. The kit comes with a packet of solid wax and a heating vessel. You simply place the wax inside the vessel as instructed and heat it to the required temperature. Once it melts, it can be used on the skin quite safely; the heating vessel regulates the temperature so that the wax does not overheat and harm the user.

This wax is easy to use in the privacy and comfort of your home. Since it is largely composed of sugar, it is easily washed off the skin using warm water.

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