Should I shave my armpits?

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Busy women look for quick hair removal fixes, and shaving is a popular choice – but it may not be the best one.

Of all the beauty-related methods for skin and hair that women try, hair removal is the most constant. Hair on the body keeps growing back, no matter which method one adopts, so it is a near-constant struggle to keep the body hair free for as long as possible.

As our lives become more stressful and we get chained to deadlines, most women get less and less time to devote to hair removal. It is often taken care of with a quick visit to the salon. But most women do not have the luxury of extra time, so going to the salon becomes impossible in most cases. Hence, they must resort to hair removal methods at home.

Underarm hair removal – a must-do task!

Given the harsh climatic conditions in the country, sweating and heat burn are common events for most people. Skin that is exposed to the harsh sunlight not only gets tanned, but also sunburnt. Thus, when one opts to wax or use depilatory creams on irritated skin, it becomes quite painful and potentially infectious as well.

Meanwhile, sweat collects in the underarm area. The sweat gets trapped in the underarm hair, and soon, it begins to give off an odour. Besides, it leaves sweat patches on your clothes. The best way to ensure that the underarms remain drier despite heavy sweating, is to remove the hair in the armpits. Smooth, hair-free underarms ensure better personal hygiene.

Is shaving the best method?

Most women’s preferred option for underarm hair removal is shaving. It is simple and quick, and you can finish shaving your underarms in under five minutes!

But there are some pitfalls to this method of underarm hair removal. The underarm skin is quite delicate, and a little extra pressure with the razor blades can cause nicks and cuts on the skin. Besides, the razor blades remove the top layer of essential oils and moisture on the skin, making it dry and dull.

Another side effect of shaving is that the hair grows back rough and prickly. The stubble grows back in just a day, with rough edges that make themselves felt – often, the first two days of stubble growth are quite uncomfortable, because the hair is quite pokey!

So while shaving is quick and convenient, it is not an ideal method at all.

Use epilation or waxing instead

Who says you can’t wax or cream away hair in mere minutes? You can apply a depilatory cream to your underarms and wipe it away in just three minutes after application. Or you can take a cold wax strip and pull away the hair in your armpits in quick swipes. You can actually remove the hair in your armpits in less time than it takes you to drink a cup of coffee!

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