Suffer from corns? You need to read this


Almost every person has suffered from painful corns in their life. These are annoying and sometimes painful growths mostly found on the toes. If you routinely suffer from them, you should read this article for some simple remedies.

Why are corns formed?

Corns are formed when a certain part of the toes or rest of the foot is subjected to constant pressure. This pressure can arise from a wrong gait, where one tends to put more weight on one side of the foot while walking. Or it is most commonly because of tight shoes that constrict the skin and ‘pinch’ it in certain spots.

As a result of the constant pressure, the skin responds by thickening itself at the point of pressure so as to combat it. This causes the skin to become a hard bump that is slightly raised from the rest of the skin. Initially, this hardened bump or patch of skin is painless but you can easily feel it and even see it. However, when it is subjected to sustained pressure even after this point, it becomes painful and may even become sore. In extreme cases, it can become infected with pus, if the skin happens to break or is subjected to dampness.

How to remove corns

The best way to prevent corns from occurring at all is to take away the pressure point that causes them. Thus, tight shoes or footwear with an elevated heel that puts pressure on the toes is a strict no. Not only should the shoes be comfortably snug, they must also have a soft insole to cushion them while running or walking.

Unless the corn is painful, soft or oozy, you can easily treat it at home by yourself.

The most common way to remove the corn is to flatten it using a medicated foot scraper or file. This pares down the hardened skin and levels it with the rest of the skin. You can then apply moisturiser to soften the corn and pare it down every other day, till it completely disappears. Apply a healing skin ointment to the site at this point, and wear flip flops or comfortable shoes till it heals completely.

The best way to remove corns is to use a corn removal kit – it contains corn removal plasters and healing post-removal cream. The plasters are fortified with salicylic acid that break down the corns, and the foam pads protect the skin while the corn is removed.

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