Forget The Pain Of Blisters Now! Get Your Dancing Shoes On


Blisters occur due to the friction and keeping the area dry can help you prevent one in the first step. Blisters are extremely painful and make you uncomfortable throughout the day. So, when a new shoe can fascinate you, a blistering attack can simply snatch away all the happiness.

But then, all types of shoes don’t pop up a blister. Yes, it is usually the case with certain shoes that are either not properly fitted or makes your feet sweat to a maximum level. In both the cases, you can very well expect a blister the very next day.

Tips To Prevent It

A blister is not any dangerous infection, and hence it doesn’t require a medical advice. This can often be treated at home with some of the available ingredients from our day to day life. Just keep in mind not to scratch it or peel the dead skin off. Control your heads and let it heal naturally.

Let us take a look at some of the home remedies that is helpful in preventing the formation of a blister.

  1. Using A Deodorant: Not the spray, but the roll-ons that can be applied directly to the area. So, before putting on the new pair of shoes, use some of these products on the dry area of your feet. This will not create any form of moisture, and hence there will be no such friction to give rise to a new blister.
  2. Band-Aid: The most popular and the common solution for a blister. Protect the skin by applying a bandage on the dry area and then wear the shoes. This won’t allow creating any form of frictions and this readily available thing will be just the best prevention against a blister.

How To Heal?

Well, these are the readily available options that can be used for a blister treatment. However, if you are unaware of it and it pops out suddenly, there are many solutions to treat it.

  1. Green Tea: With the anti-inflammatory property green tea is one of the effective treatments for curing a blister. To use it, brew a cup of tea and let it cool completely. Taking a little amount of baking soda, make a paste and apply on the particular area. Results can be seen in just a few days.
  2. Apple Cider Vinegar: This is yet another good measure for a blister cure. Owing to its antibacterial properties, it can very easily and effectively treat a blister. Wash the area with the vinegar to see its effects.
  3. Vitamin E: These pills are readily available in the market and can be applied to heal the skin quickly. Even there are various ointments which can also be applied.
  4. Castor Oil: Castor oil alone or in combination with apple cider vinegar can show magical effects. Dab cotton in castor oil and apply it to the infected portion. Let it rest overnight, and results can be seen very soon.
  5. Aloe Vera Gel: Owing to its anti-inflammatory properties, it is an effective treatment in reducing the redness and swelling of a blister.

Try out these handy and easy tips and be ready to rock with your favorite shoes.

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